Triplets is a new collaborative artblog project where people submit 3 personal photos that represent the best their past, their present and their future.

Triplets for "triplets blogs" :

How does it work ?

You can participate by submitting 3 different photos to :

- One photo symbolizing your past.
- One photo symbolizing your present.
- One photo symbolizing what you think your future will be.

Each of your 3 photos will be posted on its respective blog : the "past" blog, the "present" blog and the "future" blog.

New series of photos symbolizing people's life will be posted on the "triplets blogs" every week.

Tips :

- Give a name to each of your 3 photos when you email them. For example : "Past", "Present" and "Future".

-The 3 photos must be emailed at the same time.

- Creativity is the limit...